
Easy plants for beginners to grow.

Quarantine may have you looking for a new hobby to pick up. If you have been thinking about getting into gardening, this is a perfect time. We have a some extra time in our hands. Although adding something else to keep alive to your list may seem a bit daunting, rest assured the following plants are very easy to care for. They will give you the confidence to keep adding plants in to your garden and home.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera basically grows itself and is very resilient. They need a well lit area if they are indoors, outdoors they do best in a partially shady area. Water them once a week and they will be just fine. Like many types of succulents these plants keep on giving. If you have a healthy plant she will have many new pups, that you can share with your friends.

Aloe vera actually has a lot medicinal properties-

I’ve used it as a mask on my face quite often in the past when I was going through some skin acne issues. I helps soothe the redness and leave the skin feeling soft. It work wonders for sunburns, you take an aloe leaf and use the jelly inside to rub on affected area.

Not only will this plant look beautiful inside or outside your home, but has many natural benefits.


Herbs are also a great way to get your green thumb started. Depending on the season there are a variety of herb options that can be keep indoors or out. Some of my favorite to have on hand are oregano, cilantro, basil and spearmint (who doesn’t love a good mojito?) herbs need to be kept in a good lit area of the home preferably near a kitchen window. Having fresh herbs on hand will spice up your dishes and give your kitchen a green touch, win win. Visit your local home depot, or nurseries to see what options they are in season. Starting a small home herb garden is easy and fun so be creative. Although herbs will have to be changed every season because they will stop producing leaves and start producing seeds, this will help you have a variety in your herb garden.

Aeonium green platter

Don’t let her name scare you away! This succulent grows easily and is very hardy. One of my neighbors gifted me some cuttings and they are thriving. I have taken many cuttings from my mother plant and planted them in several places. That’s one reason I love succulents they just keep on giving. This succulent looks like a green flower adding many petals and growing in size over time. She does well in partial shade and water when soil is dry. I planted mine in a vintage fruit crate and she has grown beautifully, I have also planted on the floor and it is doing very well too. This succulent is very forgiving and does not require much attention. On occasions I have gone a bit too long without watering and she just bounces right back.

In this crate I have a Jade and my aeoniums.

Don’t be intimidated when choosing your first plant baby, you will learn as you go. Even if you haven’t had luck before give it another go with one of the suggestions above!

Happy planting!!

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