• Garden

    Garden Seed Starting Guide (Zone 9B)

    As I eagerly await spring and the endless possibilities of a new season, it fills me excitement to think about the year ahead. I hope you use this information packed guide as a resource as we kick off the 2025 gardening season, to start all those fun vegetable varieties for your own garden. In this seed starting guide I will go over my no fuss methods of starting my seeds indoors and outdoors. When and how to start seeds. Why you should know your first and last frost date & growing zone. I will share with you what I like…

  • Garden

    How to grow calendula and it’s benefits!

    It’s easy to grow calendula in the garden for it’s medicinal benefits! I would even dare say calendula is quite possibly the easiest flower to grow from seed! It’s the beginning of April and that means it’s calendula season here in California. Blooms are lining walkways, empty fields and perfectly curated gardens are putting on a show. Calendulas will grow anywhere they have a little.. and I mean a LITTLE of what they need. Looking at their delicate petals you wouldn’t think they would be such hardy plants! Keep reading to learn how amazing this plant is and how to…

  • Garden

    Growing fava beans in the garden

    Growing fava beans in the garden means abundant food but did you know that fava plants can enhance the health of your soil? Fava beans are often used as a cover crop by farmers and gardeners to boost the nitrogen and condition the soil in agriculture! This versatile legume is more than a delicious addition to the kitchen menu. Keep reading to learn how to reap the benefits of the fava bean in the garden and in the kitchen. Fava beans also known as broad beans that have been dated back to 11,000 years ago! With early cultivation in Israel…

  • Garden

    Easy way to grow potatoes

    Need a hands off crop? Let me show you how simple it is to grow potatoes! Who doesn’t love a good ol’ bowl of potatoes whether they are mashed, fried or everything in between they are delicious! Potatoes are one of the most versatile root crops to work with. Feeling creative try my crispy and flavorful curly fry recipe! Where to buy potato seeds to plant? You can usually find potato seeds early in the season at your local nursery. Local nurseries are well stocked and there is plenty varieties to choose from! I’ve also bought some at big box…

  • Garden

    How to grow peppers

    Are you looking to grow peppers in your garden this season? One of the great joys of gardening is to be able to grow all the unusual and heirloom varieties that are sometimes reserved for specialty stores and farmers markets. You would be surprised at how many varieties, colors, shapes there is! Spicy burn your mouth peppers, sweet snacking peppers, stuffing peppers. There’s a pepper for all your culinary needs. The best part? Growing them is not that complicated! With thousands of peppers to choose from the hardest part will be deciding which ones to grow in your garden! Which…

  • Garden

    How to grow sugar snap peas and snow peas in Zone 9b

    If I could pick one thing to grow year round, sugar snap and snow peas would be pretty high up on that list. There is just something so breath taking about growing it up an arbor and having all those pods hanging from the vines. Even more rewarding is to be able to snack on them and use in all sorts of delicious dishes. Like my sweet and spicy snap pea recipe! -Its finger licking good! Snap vs. snow peas? The biggest difference is the size of the pea and pods. Snow peas are flat and slender these are grown…

  • Garden

    Tips for first time gardeners

    As we approach spring, days are getting warmer and seeds start hitting the shelves. I thought it would be an ideal time to give some tips and advice for first time gardeners based on my experience. Just FIY new gardeners there is no going back. I know your first gardening season will be full of fun, pests, and what did I get myself into moments don’t despair. Every year you will get a feel for the garden, what works and what doesn’t. On your new garden adventure you’ll learn what you like to grow and those veggies that although homegrown…

  • Garden

    How I grow and harvest oregano

    Have you been thinking of growing oregano in your garden? Then you are in the right place I will show you how easy it is to grow & harvest! Oregano has high amounts of carvacrol which gives this herb it’s power house benefits! I use it in meals its highly aromatic and a little goes a long way (pozole, salsa) It’s also incredibly immune boosting! We drink it in teas when fighting off colds & bugs. As an antibacterial it aids in fighting infections, and is even said to prevent cell damage. Oregano is antioxidant rich and a powerful anti…

  • Garden

    Growing and harvesting roselle hibiscus

    This is my first year growing roselle hibiscus in the garden. It’s often referred to as jamaica or sorrel. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to grow and harvest. I grew up drinking agua de Jamaica but didn’t realize I could have my own plant in my backyard! A little bit about Roselle hibiscus, it grows into a shrub and is grown as an annual in many zones and requires a long warm season to produce. All parts of the plant are edible, including the leaves which are highly nutritious. Them stems are also used to make cords and…

  • Garden

    Greens to grow in your fall and winter garden

    Growing greens through fall and winter is easier that you think! Here in zone 9B our winter lows are in the 25-30 F range which are perfect conditions to grow an abundance of kales, lettuces, root crops, and brassicas through fall and winter, they can handle some frost. Lets focus on those greens though! If you haven’t tried fresh garden greens you are missing out! The temperature makes the greens concentrate their sugars in their leaves to protect themselves from the cold. This makes for sweet crunchy greens. I use all the following greens interchangeably in my smoothies, stir-fry’s, omelets,…