The savory cauliflower steak recipe you didn’t know you needed. This recipe is so easy but bursting with flavors, can we have a minute for the GLOW-UP cauliflower has had in recent years though! From “pizza crusts” to “mash potatoes” it’s become one of the favorite low carb options for many dishes. The uses for this mild vegetable are honestly endless and delicious! One of the reasons it’s so versatile is it takes on the flavor you dress it up with. In this simple recipe we will be using a variety of chili powders, garlic, olive oil, and spices to infuse our cauliflower steaks with a punch of savory goodness. The end result are aromatic thick slabs of cauliflower full of bold and zesty notes!

Brassica season is coming to and end here in zone 9b. I’ll tell you what, we ended the season with a bang! This was the biggest and most beautiful one we got to harvest. Of course I had to make something special! Brassicas are a group in the mustard family, which are also known as cruciferous vegetables. Included in the brassica family are broccoli, cabbage, kohlrabi, romanesco, kale, cauliflower and more. My Brassica season runs fall- early spring as the weather begins to warm up too much they start bolting quickly. The cauliflower head is composed of tiny flower buds that are packed together, bolting is when those tiny flowers begin to bloom and the florets start to separate. You can se my cauliflower has a bit of purple tint, that is because it received too much sun in the last few days and got sun burnt, yes plants can get sunburnt too!

For these cauliflower steaks I really enjoy a little bit of heat. I threw in some cayenne pepper in my spice blend. Feel free to leave it out if you prefer a milder taste or have littles that will share the meal, it will still be delightful! These cauliflower steaks pair up so well with any side of protein. If you want to kept it plant based a nice side salad to accompany your cauliflower steaks would be delightful.
I really think some people don’t enjoy their vegetables enough because they need to add more flavor! Spices and herbs are the perfect way to take your veggies the next level! Try these savory cauliflower steaks and watch how fast they are eaten up!
Happy growing & cooking!

Savory cauliflower steaks
- 1 sheet pan
- 1 head Cauliflower fresh
- 3 tbsp Olive oil Use 2 tbsp for a smaller head
- 1 tsp Garlic powder
- 1 tsp Himalayan salt
- 1/4 tsp Cayenne pepper omit for no heat
- 1 tsp Paprika
- 1 dash Pepper
- 1/2 tsp Chili powder
- 5 cups Water
- 1 lemon
- Heat up water and blanch cauliflower for 10-12 minutes
- Preheat oven to 375 °F
- Mix all spices together and set 1 tsp aside
- Mix olive oil with rest of spice blend
- Begin coating the entire cauliflower with our olive oil and spice mixture (I used a kitchen brush)
- Place cauliflower head on a sheet pan into the oven at 375 °F degrees for 20-30 min. Roast cauliflower head until it has a bit of a crisp and lightly charred edges
- When cool enough to handle cut up your cauliflower into 1/2 in steaks and sprinkle the 1 tsp spices that we reserved on both sides of steaks.
- Turn the oven to BROIL. Place cauliflower steaks on the sheet pan and roast each side for a few minutes.
- Drizzle lemon on top and they are ready to be enjoyed! Can be served with aside of ranch!